When someone passes away, there are legal issues which need to be resolved. The issues are usually about property owned by the person who passed away. People own property in many ways. That property is transferred during the process called estate administration.
There are other issues, as well, besides property issues. For example, there may be taxes due from the estate. There may also be issues regarding the distribution of property, real estate, investments or other assets.
Someone should be named as executor or administrator of the estate of the person who passed away. The executor or administrator needs help to accomplish their task of estate administration. They also want to avoid any personal liability for acting as executor or administrator.
The office of Robert J. Malloy, Esquire is ready to provide expert accounting and legal advice, to help with the administration of the estate.
We will work with you to help you administer the estate from the beginning to the final distribution of assets. Our attorneys and paralegals work with you to demystify the complexities of estate administration. Our services include:
- Assistance with the probate of the will.
- Administering testate and intestate estates.
- Preparing petitions for Letters Testamentary and Letters of Administration.
- Preparing ancillary proceedings and non-resident estate matters.
- Preparing estate inventories, estate accountings and fiduciary accountings.
- Preparing post-mortem planning such as disclaimers, reaffirmation of documents for disabled beneficiaries and tax planning.
- Fiduciary representation: IRS Audit and Appeals Estate and Gift Tax Fiduciary Tax Returns (Form 1041).
- Preparing Federal Estate Tax Returns (Form 706).
- Preparing NJ State Inheritance and Estate Tax Returns.
- Preparation of deeds and other transfers of assets.
- Settling and distributing estate assets.
Navigating the administration of an estate can be daunting. We can help you to understand the procedure of estate administration.
Click for our new client Estate Administration Information Sheet.